Learn to give clear and powerful presentations
The number one fear in this country is speaking in front of a group. You can harness the same energy from fear and re-purpose it to give clear and powerful presentations. At VocalEase you will learn to:
- Use your best voice
- Look at your audience and make eye contact
- Be animated in facial expressions, gestures, posture, body orientation and movement
- Give organized and successful presentations
- Speak before a camera and see your progress
- Deliver your presentation while using your voice and visual aids effectively, with good stage presence, and fielding audience questions
- Use a microphone correctly
Does stage fright (anxiety) affect your presentations?
- Do your hands sweat?
- Butterflies in your stomach?
- Rapid heart rate?
- Unsteady voice?
- Weak knees?
- Perspiration?
- Dry mouth?
- Do you sound unsure of yourself?
- Can’t think on your feet?
Turning Stage Fright into Stage Presence
- Learn about stage fright
- Visualize your presentation
- Talk about your feelings
- Plan your presentation
- Set realistic expectations
- Use relaxation exercises
- Be prepared
- Practice, practice, practice!
- Visit the room or location (before you speak)
- Channel excess energy
- Get enough sleep the night before
On-the-spot solutions
- Pause before you speak
- Feel your feet on the floor
- Use energy while you talk
- Have a conversation
- Look at friendly faces